The Roaring Lion
An Original Poem by Ralph Serpe

Time, I’ve wasted so much time,
Feeding thoughts that never shine,
While a roaring lion lingers,
In the shadows, nearby.
Free, I want to be free,
But I am ensnared within a dream,
A restless dream of fire,
And mediocracy.
Love, I’ve squandered so much love,
Skipping stones across the lake,
Longing for a soul to take,
The stone and break this iron cage.
But I have come to see that
Time, love, and mediocracy,
Have sheltered me,
From a reality, I’ve sometimes seen,
One of haunting ecstasy.
It doesn’t give,
It just takes,
It doesn’t fix,
It just breaks,
It doesn’t love,
It just hates,
It doesn’t laugh,
It just snarls,
It doesn’t hope,
It just growls.
Beware, be cautious, and take heed,
The lion lies in wait,
For on sin and ecstasy, it does feed.