The Guardian
A Flash Fiction Story by Ralph Serpe

Jason, a cautious boy by nature, followed the same path home after school each day, steering clear of the forest. A place that the people in town say Bigfoot calls home.
The forest, known as Spears Forest, was named after the first victim it claimed — Tommy Spears, a teenager not much older than Jason.
The only folks brave enough to enter were hunters, but they weren’t hunting ordinary game. They hoped to capture evidence of the elusive beast, perhaps even its head. All they ever came back with were tall tales.
That didn’t stop them from capitalizing on the lore of the forest. Two went on to write best-selling books and host popular online sites that made a fortune off the fear-mongering. Despite his fear of the woods, Jason found the tales quite fascinating.
One day, some construction workers arrived, blocking Jason’s usual route. Jason had a tough decision: take the long way through a crime-ridden neighborhood or walk through the foreboding forest. His Mother was still at work, and he had no one else to call. Nervous but determined, Jason decided to brave the Spears.
He took his dog tag from his pocket and put it around his neck. It was a memento that had once belonged to his father from his time in the army. He kissed it and stepped in.
The sun was getting low, and the familiar landscape gave way to something otherworldly. The noise from the construction faded, replaced by a cacophony of unfamiliar animals and insects. The canopy was dense, and his phone’s flashlight was his only beacon as daylight retreated.
As he considered returning to the school, his light revealed something emerging from the shadows. Overcome with fear, he sprinted but crashed into something as sturdy as a brick wall and fell. Looking up, he saw an ordinary man, but his eyes were up to no good.
“I don’t get many visitors. Why don’t you stay for a while.” Said the man with a chilling smile.
Then a roar echoed through the trees as the man bent down to get closer to Jason. A colossal figure covered in thick fur appeared. The beast lifted the man like a feather and tossed him into the bushes, rendering him unconscious.
Jason crouched, his hands shielding his face. To his surprise, the creature was gentle. It lifted Jason onto its shoulders and strolled down the winding trail.
As they exited the forest, the beast placed Jason on the ground. It kneeled and pleaded softly, “Woods, not safe. Stay out.” Still in shock, Jason could only manage a mere “Thank you.”
The creature rose and began to walk away. “Wait!” Jason called out. It returned, kneeling again. Jason removed his dog tag and handed it over. “It’s for good luck,” he said. The guardian looked at him, then at the dog tag. With a soft smile, it echoed back, “Good luck,” stood, and disappeared into Spears Forest.